how do you keep the doctor away? a healthy vegan diet, of course!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

monday, july 18th

Vegan with a Vengeance pesto over linguini, garlic bread made from Rudy's Organic hot dog buns baked with Earth Balance and garlic powder, sliced kiwi and plums, and for desert, banana chips and two chocolate Newman-Os.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

lunch for wednesday, july 12th

Leftover tofu fish sticks (recipe from Vegan Lunch Box) sitting on top of a quartered whole wheat tortilla, green salad with organic tomatoes and more kalamata olives, a kiwifruit, and a piece of a vegan 7-layer bar they make at my local co-op! There's tartar sauce made with organic pickle relish and grapeseed vegenaise in the small container. I'm taking another apple cinnamon bar as a snack (not pictured).

I should also mention that I bought the thermos from Laptop Lunches and it's just fantastic, as well. It keeps my water cold all day! I also like using it so much that I drink more water than I did with my dinky plastic water bottle.

lunch for monday, july 10th

Mm! Vegan with a Vengeance wins again with these spanikopita spirals I made for dinner on Sunday and took for lunch on Monday. To supplement this lunch I have cucumber slices, olives, and fresh organic strawberries. As my snacks, I have a Coco Loco bar and an apple cinnamon fruit bar (Mondays I stay at FSU from 8:30am to around 6:30 or 7pm!).

The spanikopita was delicious-- painstaking, but good. I think I'll make the triangle shapes next time!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

new groove

Now that I have my awesome new Laptop Lunch Box, I thought I'd occasionally post pics of my lunch here. Here's my first day with the lunchbox: it's leftover 4th of July fare. Barbecued seitan strips on top of some sauteed swiss chard, potato salad, organic strawberries and grapes. The small container has some extra bbq sauce. Yum!

I didn't get the whole thing from Laptop Lunches-- just the box, the bento sleeve, the ice pack, and the water bottle. The full bento sleeve fits inside my giant messenger bag (and, hopefully, the backpack I just ordered that has yet to arrive). I figured I didn't want another thing to sling over my shoulder-- it seemed easier this way. I'm going to get a lot more fruits and veggies this way, I think!